STARDATE0421.17 - 2017 EVENTS

STARDATE0421.17 - 2017 EVENTS

2017 is the ‘Make America N8 Again’ Tour!!! Come find me in a city near you and let's kick it! I'll sign your glass pieces, pelican's, shirts, or whatever you let me sketch my golden spirals on! Scoop new available work, hear stories about your old and/or new pieces and let me express my heartfelt gratitude for your support...IRL! <3 

2017 Shows and Events:
Mar.18 - @The Cave in SF (Solo Show)
Apr.20 - @??? WOOK SHOW (Group Show)
June.10 - @Vapor Smoke Shop in AL (M&G)
July.4 - @Ziggy’s Smoke Shop in Westminster, CA (Demo)
July.10 - Space Jam Drop and 7/10 Celebration at Illuzion in Denver
October - Team Japan Show in Denver

For future bookings, please contact
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